ScriptSwitch® KINE Profile Content Library

As part of the Optum ® KINE (Keele Important New Evidence) Service, ScriptSwitch® customers have the option to receive pre-authored ScriptSwitch recommendations direct to Content Manager, which can be easily adopted in to your own profile. The content is authored by our partners at Keele University Centre for Medicines Optimisation. It will relate primarily to content featured in KINES newsletters, such as latest guidelines and patient/drug safety alerts, as well as medicines optimisation and cost saving opportunities.


How it works

  • Content is delivered monthly in to your Content Manager Library Tab.
  • Review the content according to your local needs and decide whether to adopt in to your own profile or decline if not required.
  • Option to merge the new recommendations with existing recommendations in your profile if they are for the same products, therefore keeping any local-specific justification texts you may already have.


Here you will find a summary of the latest KINE profile content. This spread sheet will be updated every time new content is delivered each month. You can use this summary to help you to identify, review and action the latest content. (N.B. access is limited to ScriptSwitch customers who have registered for access to KINES and who are logged in – if you require access, please register above).

You can then use the Search function in the Content Manager Library Tab to search for specific products, keywords from the justification text or for the month/year the recommendations were delivered (e.g. “March-18”).

Link: Keele-scriptswitch-message-library-excel-file/