6 November 2009
The NPC has recently announced an ongoing programme of support for all NHS local decision-making (LDM) groups. The programme was commissioned from the NPC, by the Department of Health (DH), as a continuation of the support already provided to help the review and development of local decision-making processes around the funding of medicines and treatments.
Details of the support programme can be found on NPC’s website in the local decision-making section. The programme includes e-learning resources for LDM groups and a dedicated LDM website with a discussion group and sharing practice section.
Seven LDM facilitators, have also been recruited to work in SHA areas to encourage sharing of practice and to facilitate local activities. As part of the local focus to the support programme, the LDM facilitators are in the process of organising an LDM event specific to your area. Contact your facilitator to find out more.
Earlier this year, the NHS Constitution1 gave patients the right to expect decisions made about the funding of medicines and treatments to be made rationally following a proper consideration of the evidence and, in particular, where a decision is taken not to fund, that it can be explained.
PCTs have been encouraged to review their local decision making processes in-line with this NHS Constitution right and the high level Guiding Principles2, issued by the DH and NPC, at the same time as the Constitution. The NPC also published a good practice Handbook3 to support PCTs in reviewing their processes in conjunction with other NHS stakeholders.
Review the LDM pages on the NPC website to keep up to date with what support resources are available for your organisations and to find out who your LDM facilitators are. Join the LDM website to share practice or discuss the issues, that you are having to manage, with people working in the same area.
This is an ongoing support programme designed to respond to your needs. To give us feedback on what we have already developed, or to help inform the development of the programme moving forward,.get in touch with your LDM facilitator or email ian.pye@npc.nhs.uk at the NPC.
1. Department of Health (2009) The NHS Constitution for England www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/
2. National Prescribing Centre (2009) Defining Guiding Principles for Processes supporting Local Decision Making about Medicines www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/Publications
3. National Prescribing Centre (2009b) Supporting rational local decision-making about medicines (and treatments) www.npc.nhs.uk/local_decision_making/constitution_handbook.php
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