What is the background to this? Primary Care Contracting, commissioned by the Department of Health, has published a number of case studies that highlight the innovative work being undertaken by independent and supplementary pharmacist and nurse prescribers in primary, secondary and community settings. These case studies show how different healthcare professionals can support the delivery of organisational improvements against local and national drivers for change.
Summary – The case studies include the following examples:
- A Pharmacist Practitioner who manages patients with long-term conditions in a GP setting, seeing around 50 patients a week
- A Trust that now has around 8% of it’s A&E attendances seen entirely by Emergency Nurse Practitioners (ENPs)
- Pharmacist-led hypertension clinics in a PCT that has resulted in 60% of the patients who previously failed to meet blood pressure targets now reaching recommended levels
- An epilepsy specialist nurse who prescribes anti-epileptic drugs to adults and children in outpatient and domiciliary settings
- A pharmacist/nurse prescriber team that has pioneered an approach to providing enhanced and person-centred care to 160 care home residents
These case studies are inspirational and demonstrate how the skills of a range of healthcare professionals providing prescribing and medicines management services can be maximised to achieve local and national goals.
How does this relate to other publications or evidence? –
As practice based commissioning groups develop, they will be looking to commission high quality medicines management services that offer value for money. Commissioning the skills of a diverse range of healthcare professionals will support the delivery of this challenging agenda.
Links to publications that relate to the commissioning of prescribing and medicines management services are listed below.
Action – If you are involved in prescribing and medicines management services, either as a commissioner or a provider, take a look at the case studies described in this document.
Item details –
The case studies referred to in this document can be downloaded here.
A range of resources that support non-medical prescribers can be accessed at http://www.npc.nhs.uk/non_medical/
The pharmacy white paper and additional information is available for download here.
Documents and information on “World Class Commissioning” can be viewed here.
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